
02.09.2013 00:34 Alter: 11 yrs
Kategorie: HdRO-Wartung
Von: Agung

LotRO-Server weltweit down! Einloggen nicht möglich!

02.09. 19:46 - Seit nun ca. 21 Stunden sind weltweit alle HdRO-Server down. Nun gibt es das erste vielversprechende Statement von Turbine!

Sonntag (01.09.) um ca. 22:30 hat es begonnen, dass HdRO-Spieler weltweit keinen Zugang mehr zum Spiel bekamen. Der LotRO-Launcher baute keine Verbindung mehr zu den Login-Server auf und gab als Meldung einfach nur "Voraussetzungen werden installiert" aus. Interessanterweise hat dieser Ausfall nur Spieler, welche sich neu einloggen wollten, betroffen - war man zu dieser Zeit bereits on, merkte man von diesem Problem nichts und konnte ganz normal spielen...

Offizielle Statements von Turbine zu diesem schwerwiegenden Problem sind rar - selbst Stunden nach dem Ausfall war kein offizielles Wort auf den Turbine/LotRO-eigenen Foren zu lesen, weil "der Turbine-Community-Manager wegen dieses Problems keinen Zugriff auf die Foren hat"... ;)

Nur auf Twitter gibt es offizielle und regelmäßige Statements, welche aber kaum genaueres nennen - der Backbone ihres ISP's soll Probleme haben und es wird daran gearbeitet...

Hoffen wir mal, dass morgen (heute) Früh wieder alles reibungslos funktioniert...


Update (02.09. 08:00): Via Twitter wird verlautbart, dass weiterhin am Problem intensiv gearbeitet wird, man aber keine Zeit nennen kann, wann voraussichtlich die Server wieder on sind...


Update (02.09. 12:30): Es gibt keine Updates! Letztes offizielles Statement via Twitter vor über 4 Stunden: "We do not have a change in status or an ETA at this time. We will update you when this changes or we have new information to share."


Update (02.09. 17:45): Kein neues offizielles Statement! Aber zumindest laufen seit ca. 30 Minuten die offiziellen LotRO-Foren wieder...


Update (02.09. 18:10): Seit ca. 10 Minuten sind wieder alle Server on und der Launcher geht auch wieder!! Leider lässt er noch niemanden einloggen...


Update (02.09. 18:32): Offizielles Statement auf Twitter: "We continue to work with our vendors. We do not have an ETA, but will post an update within the next 3 hours. Even if it is "no update"." 


Update (02.09. 19:46): Offizielles Statement von Sapience (Turbine Community Manager):

Right off the bat, no this was in no way related to Pando. I know some were trying to tie the two together but pando is unrelated to this issue and their announcement has had 0 impact on us in any way.

This issue is one we've seen before with a slight twist. This was again a routing issue with a very large internet backbone provider and how it routes traffic in and out of our data center provider (so you're talking 2 layers removed from our direct ability to 'fix it'). The issue also created a cascade issue when the routes were reset that didn't play well with some of the switches and routing hardware in the data center. This is why we've been working through the night with our vendors (provider, hardware, consultants, and others) to make sure each step of the connection from our service through various vendors services and products was checked, doubled checked, and confirmed to be either working correctly or needed to be addressed. We continue to do so, though we believe we are much closer to a resolution than at any point in the past several hours and we feel we are very close to restoring services.

As we've mentioned before, there are circumstances that can create a situation where the launcher and our forums are not accessible to us (myself and the rest of the community team). This is why we try very hard to convince you guys to follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook, because during times like this these are the only methods of commutation we have with you. Even if you can still post here. That is why this is the first post you're seeing from me on the forums, but I've made a large number on our social channels throughout the night.

Hopefully this tones down all the crazy conspiracy theories we've seen recently (pando, hacking, shut downs, contract issues. It's a pretty impressive list!). We appreciate those who tried to share back the information we were posting elsewhere. 

We appreciate you've all been frustrated, we also appreciate that this is a major Holiday weekend in the US. Many of us have spent the bulk of it working around the clock to address these issues, so believe me when I say we fully understand and appreciate you had plans. Most importantly we appreciate the passion you all clearly displayed for our game.


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